Caroline Sturken – 5 Signs It’s Time to Move Home

Unless you are more than happy having a forever home, there may be a time where you find yourself in a position to move home. Some move home for a new job, others for family reasons and the large majority move home because they simply feel that its time for a change or that they are ready for a new adventure. Caroline Sturken is an expert in real estate and we have been talking to her recently about what motivates people to move properties. There are a number of signs which we discussed, that means that it is time to move property, and here are some signs which you should look out for.

Life Changes

As we get older our lives naturally change and so too do our desires, wants and needs. For example a young professional may feel perfectly content living in a busy city, yet as they get older that young professional may begin to decide that they are looking for a quieter, more relaxed life than they are living. The same may be true of someone who is not living in a vibrant city but rather out in the country, they may decide that they need some more cut and thrust than they are used to. These life changes often result in a house move.


Sometimes even a redecoration of the property isn’t enough too breathe new life into it, and boredom can very quickly creep in. When this happens that is the time to buy a new place or relocate to another place, which will deliver more by way of excitement.

Noisy Neighbors

As hard as it is to go through, if you have neighbors who are causing you great distress then the easiest thing to do may be to relocate. This of course shouldn’t be the case and the actions of another should never force you into moving homes. With this being said, if you have a number of unruly neighbors and you are not happy with how your street feels, then it may very well be time to get up and go.

Hunger For Adventure

If you have found yourself jealous of other’s and their properties, or jealous of the fact that they have certain amenities then this could also be a clear sign that it’s time to move on. Very often what you find here is that it is not so much jealousy of what others have got, but rather a deeper rooted unhappiness in the things that you don’t have. Once you start pining for what others have, this is when it’s time to get that home on the market.

Sunnier Climbs

For many it may be the allure of a foreign country which causes you to move home. If you have been watching those ‘moving abroad’ shows and fancy yourself as someone who jets off and relocates, then that is an opportunity which you should look to take with both hands.

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