Chiropractic adjustments are essential for helping relieve chronic pain and provide benefits such as improving your mood and reducing stress. While your chiropractor will likely outline the dos and don’ts of your meal preparation and exercise pre-adjustment, the post-care will also be crucial for helping you get the most out of your treatment. So what are some things to avoid after a chiropractic adjustment?
Avoid Intense Exercise and Activities
A chiropractic adjustment often targets areas such as the ligaments and muscles, which require adequate time to rest and heal. Participating in intense exercises could exert pressure in these areas and will likely reverse the work performed by local specialists, such as Brad Kern. They could also cause pain and discomfort, creating more harm. Additionally, avoid lifting heavy objects whether you are at work, at home, or just running errands.
Avoid Secondary Treatments After Your Adjustment
Chiropractic adjustments focus on therapies aimed at relieving pain, aspects that take time for the relief to set in fully. Treatments such as massage therapies can interfere with this process, creating varying results for future treatment plans. Due to this, avoid such secondary treatment to help your chiropractor study any changes to your body for an effective care plan. Instead, opt for activities that have minimal effect on your body, with leisure walks ideal and safe practices to indulge in after an adjustment.
Avoid Consuming Alcohol
Chiropractic adjustments often lead to toxic release within the body, with patients advised to drink lots of fluid to help flush these out of the body. Alcohol results in dehydration as crucial fluids are flushed out of the body faster than they ought to be. Stay clear of alcohol for a few days post-chiropractic adjustments.
Avoid Sitting Around All Day
While it may seem counterintuitive to do small stretches around the house or at work, these are the key to helping your body adjust to chiropractic treatment. Ensure you move around every 30 minutes and avoid sitting for long durations. Performing small chores will also help you keep up with your daily movements. These light activities will be essential for releasing tension in your joints while also boosting fluid circulation in your body.
Avoid Any Self-Readjustment Work
You may be tempted to occasionally crack your neck or have a friend crack your back when you experience discomfort after your adjustments. While this is standard practice and may not have caused any mishaps pre-adjustment, doing this after your check-up may lead to hazards such as injury with the likelihood of reversing your adjustment.
If you experience discomfort or need to perform any readjustment on yourself, make it a point to reach out to your chiropractor. They will advise accordingly based on the extent of discomfort, with any urgent needs scheduled for an immediate consultation.
Avoid Wearing Tight Clothes
Tight clothes will likely restrict your muscles and may lead to post-care strains. Items such as tight jeans and dresses could also cause swelling due to limited blood flow, resulting in significant follow-up care that can easily be avoided. Consider freely moving clothes to avoid setbacks such as muscle tension.
Whether you are scheduled for your first chiropractic adjustment or need a reminder of what to avoid after your treatment, the above are some things to help you stay informed. Ensure that you keep your movement limited to small exercises, stay away from alcohol, fitted clothing, and self-readjustment work. Make it a point to cancel scheduled massage treatments that could negatively impact your chiropractic treatment plan.